

[Update June_2020 :- ******* ** *** ******* ****** *** #2012]
[Update Aug 5_2020 :- *** **** ** ******* ** ]
note :( Complete Shutdown intiated from August 30)

Arunhostor is a founder of team hostor's, which consists of 1200 individual cyber warriors all over the world, (it also known as redhat39). It mainly deals with digital security services for companies and celebrities.

People also searched for🔍: who is arunhostor

Our business site:

Our E commerce site :    (under maintainance)


Our apps:

1)Corona Tracker

It's our new application to help you fast get breaking statistics about Corona Virus (also called as COVID-19).

(Click below link to download the app)

  • Corona Smart Tracker is a personal tool that helps you track the latest information and data on the Corona virus  strain based on WHO reports.Corona Smart Tracker is completely free, which is our small contribution to the overall situation. We always sympathize with the victims so we won't make any money from it.
Advantages: Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19 coronavirus from all over world.


2)My Age

This apk helps to determine the age or interval between two dates. The calculated age will be displayed in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Click below link to download the app)




This app helps you to get a free textbooks, notes & question answers with a model question papers for 1- 10 th standard.

Kindly install this app and study without any disturbance....

(Press below link to download the app)


ಆತ್ಮೀಯ ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಗಳೆ....

ಇದು 1- 10 ನೇ ತರಗತಿಗೆ ಮಾದರಿ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ ಪತ್ರಿಕೆಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ ಉಚಿತ ಪಠ್ಯಪುಸ್ತಕಗಳು, ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ ಉತ್ತರಗಳನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಲು ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡುವ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ ಆಗಿದೆ. ಈ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಯಾವುದೇ ತೊಂದರೆಯಿಲ್ಲದೆ ಅಧ್ಯಯನ ಮಾಡಿ ...


4)Festival wishes apk

click below link to download respective apps, which helps to share greetings to your loved ones with a single click




5)Game51(under development)

💕💕💕Thnx for visiting 💕💕💕


we provide a more than 300+ online services world wide with a cheapest price.

Our Online Services provides people an opportunity to be entrepreneur and offers the individual an opportunity to participate in a business perfectly suited to all who have dreams and are willing to spend genuine efforts to make dreams come true..
